Haircut - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 27/01/2021

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Haircut.

3 letter answer(s) to haircut

  1. a former monetary unit in Great Britain
  2. a hair style for women and children; a short haircut all around
  3. a hanging weight, especially a metal ball on a string
  4. a long racing sled (for 2 or more people) with a steering mechanism
  5. a short abrupt inclination (as of the head); "he gave me a short bob of acknowledgement"
  6. a short or shortened tail of certain animals
  7. a small float usually made of cork; attached to a fishing line
  8. cut hair in the style of a bob; "Bernice bobs her hair these days!"
  9. make a curtsy; usually done only by girls and women; as a sign of respect; "She curtsied when she shook the Queen's hand"
  10. move up and down repeatedly; "her rucksack bobbed gently on her back"
  11. remove or shorten the tail of an animal
  12. ride a bobsled; "The boys bobbed down the hill screaming with pleasure"
  13. The name that refers to a person (usually male) with the name of Bob or a nickname fo

4 letter answer(s) to haircut

  1. neat and smart in appearance; "a clean-cut and well-bred young man"; "the trig corporal in his jaunty cap"; "a trim beard"
  2. a decoration or adornment on a garment; "the trimming on a hat"; "the trim on a shirt"
  3. a person who adapts their views to the prevailing political trends for personal advancement.
  4. a state of arrangement or appearance; "in good trim"
  5. adjust (sails on a ship) so that the wind is optimally used
  6. attitude of an aircraft in flight when allowed to take its own orientation
  7. balance in flight by regulating the control surfaces; "trim an airplane"
  8. be in equilibrium during a flight; "The airplane trimmed"
  9. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of; "dress the plants in the garden"
  10. curtails
  11. cut closely; "trim my beard"
  12. cut down on; make a reduction in; "reduce your daily fat intake"; "The employer wants to cut back health benefits"
  13. cutting down to the desired si

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